The Aspida, LLC. Difference
Aspida has taken a different approach when it comes to developing technology by creating a new data table that will change the way engineers are designing tomorrow’s technology today. Aspida has spent many years looking at other helmets on the market. Our research indicates that these companies have one thing in common—use of the same standard method when it comes to designing football helmets and gear.
Football headgear was first introduced to the sport in 1896 by George “Rose” Barclay, Lafayette College halfback, when he began using straps and earpieces to protect his ears. In 1903, soft, thin padded leather helmets were created to protect from the dreaded “cauliflower ear.”
These helmets, however, failed to provide the desired protection. They were later replaced by soft leather helmets in the 1930s. After World War II, hard leather helmets were introduced which offered better protection.
Eventually, leather helmets were phased out of football due to the risk of using such ineffective equipment. Plastic helmets were then introduced in the 1940s and 1950s to the National Football League (NFL). They became the standard form of headgear used throughout the NFL as the engineering and padding improved the comfort and safety of helmets.
Present-day helmets used by the NFL are still made of plastic but are much more complex with new models containing electronic implements that monitor the impact sustained by the helmet, potential concussions, and brain damage.
Although the helmet has evolved since its first design in 1896, none of these design changes focused on the size of the helmet. This means that, since the inception of the helmet, manufacturers were using the wrong calculated formula for helmet size and design.
Unfortunately head injuries have impacted many athletes in recent years from Pop Warner, Youth League Football Organizations, High Schools, Semipro Leagues, Arena Football Leagues, NCAA College Leagues, and the NFL